DECHRA Veterinary Products (a trading division
of Dechra Ltd)
(registered in England and Wales under company
number 4513124) whose registeredoffice isat DechraHouse, Jamage
Industrial Estate, TalkePits, Stoke on Trent ST7 1XW;
means the company, firm, body or person purchasing the
Goods and/or Services from theSupplier.
means the goods, which the Supplier is to supply in
accordance with these Conditions including (but not limited to)
pharmaceuticals, surgical and other instruments, single use products
and non-ethical products.
means a purchase order in respect of the Goods and/or
Services issuedby theBuyer to theSupplier.
meansworkand/or servicesor anyof them tobeperformed
by theSupplier for theBuyer pursuant to anOrder.
It should be noted that any description contained in the Supplier's
catalogues, samples, price listsor other advertisingmaterial is intended
merely topresent a general picture of theSupplier'sGoods or Services
and shall not form a representation or be part of any contract.
All prices shall be as statedby theSupplier.
TheSupplier reserves the right, bygivingnotice to theBuyer at any time
prior todeliveryof theGoods, to increase thepriceof theGoodsand/or
Services to reflect any increase in the cost to the Supplier which is due
to any factor beyond the control of the Supplier, any change in delivery
dates, quantities or specifications for theGoods and/or Serviceswhich
is requested by the Buyer, or any delay caused by any instructions of
theBuyer or failureof theBuyer togive theSupplier adequate information
or instructions.
There shall be added to the price for the Goods or Services any
applicable value added tax.
ExceptwhereGoods are soldoutside theUnitedKingdomall prices are
given by theSeller on an exworks Shrewsbury basis, unless otherwise
agreed inwritingbetween theSupplier and theBuyer.
TheSupplier shall beentitled to levy, inaddition to thepriceof theGoods
or Services, a small order charge on order values (excluding VAT) no
greater than £75.00whichwill incur a £15.00 charge.
Quotations in a currency other than sterling are based on the rate of
exchange at the time of quoting and unless otherwise stated the price
may be subject to revision up or down if any different rate of exchange
is ruling at the date of invoice.
TheSuppliermay, in itsabsolutediscretion, grant to theBuyer adiscount
on stated prices for the Goods, provided that payment is received by
theSupplier on theduedate. TheSupplier shall beentitled towithdraw
such discount facility at its absolute discretion.
The Supplier shall, prior to delivery, be entitled at its sole discretion to
substitute for theGoods forming the subject of theOrder similar goods
from the same or an alternative source.
Subject toany special termsagreed inwritingbetween theSupplier and
the Buyer liability for payment shall arise in respect of Goods supplied,
ondeliveryand in respect of Servicessupplied, uponcompletion thereof.
The Supplier shall be entitled accordingly to invoice the Buyer for the
price of the Goods and/or Services on or at any time after delivery of
Goods and/or completion of Services, unless, in the case of Goods,
these are to be collected by the Buyer or the Buyer wrongfully fails to
take delivery of theGoods.
If Goods are tobe collectedby theBuyer or if theBuyer wrongfully fails
to take delivery of the Goods, the Supplier is permitted to invoice the
Buyer for the price of the Goods at any time after the Supplier has
notified theBuyer that theGoodsare ready for collectionor theSupplier
has tendereddelivery of theGoods.
Unless otherwise agreed by the Supplier, the Buyer shall pay the price
of theGoodswithin 30days of the date of theSupplier's invoice.
If the Buyer fails to make any payment on the due date then, without
prejudice to any other right or remedy available to the Supplier, the
Supplier shall be entitled to cancel theContract or suspend any further
deliveries or performance under the Contract or any other contract so
long as the default continues; and/or charge the Buyer interest (both
beforeandafter any judgment) on theamount unpaidat the rateof three
per cent per annum above the base rate of the Bank of Scotland from
time to time in force calculated on a daily basis until payment in full is
made. The Supplier reserves the right to claim interest under the Late
Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998; and/or withdraw or
cancel immediately any discount for prompt payment, which has been
agreedwith or has been granted to the Buyer or towhich the Buyer is
entitled anddebit theBuyer's account accordingly.
Time for payment under theContract shall be of the essence.
Deliveryshall takeplacewhen theGoodsareunloadedat or delivered to
the Buyer's premises or other delivery location agreed between the
Supplier and theBuyer.
The dates for delivery of theGoods or for performance of the Services
are approximate only and time is not of the essence for delivery of the
Goods or performance of the Services. The Supplier will use its
reasonableendeavours tocompletedeliveryor performanceonor before
dates requestedby theBuyer butwill not be liable inany circumstances
for the consequences of any delay in delivery or performance or failure
todeliver or perform.
Where theContract provides for deliveryby instalmentseach instalment
shall constitute a separate contract and any delay, failure or defect in
anyoneormore instalmentsdeliveredshall not entitle theBuyer to reject
or cancel delivery or performance of any further instalment of the
Contract or anyother order from theBuyer or to repudiate theContract.
The Buyer shall examine theGoods upon delivery, or, in respect of the
saleof Goods outside theUnitedKingdom, upon receipt and theBuyer
shall (a) notify inwriting theSupplier and thecarrierwhere relevantwithin
24hoursof theproposeddateof deliveryof non-deliveryor short delivery
(b) notify inwriting theSupplier and thecarrierwhere relevantwithin three
workingdaysof suchdeliveryor receipt of anyapparent damage, defect
or shortage (c) notify inwriting theSupplierwithin threeworkingdays of
suchdeliveryor receipt of anygoodsdespatchedby theSupplier to the
Buyer in error.
Unless the Contract otherwise stipulates, and subject to Goods sold
outside theUnitedKingdom riskof damage toor lossof theGoodsshall
pass to the Buyer at the time of delivery of the Goods or, if the Buyer
wrongfully fails to takedeliveryof theGoods, the timewhen theSupplier
has tendereddeliveryof theGoodsand theGoodsshouldbe insuredby
theBuyer accordingly.
In the event of any discrepancy between the above and our Conditions
of Sale the terms in the Conditions of Sale will prevail. Further, our
Conditions of Sale override any terms or conditions stipulated,
incorporated or referred toby theBuyer in their order or negotiations.
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